Thursday, October 25, 2012

Post 10: Technology in Education

According to a Chronicle of Higher Education/Pew Foundation survey, 46% of students who graduated in the last ten years say they took at least one online course. Yet just 51% of 1,000 college presidents surveyed said online courses provide the same value as courses taken in the classroom (28 Aug. 2011). Have you ever taken an online or hybrid class? If yes, why did you choose this method of course delivery? Did it meet your expectations? How would you evaluate the course compared to a face-to-face class? If you haven't taken an online class, what kinds of technologies have you been introduced to in your coursework? Are they "worth" learning? What positive/negative outcomes have you experienced?

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Post 9: Media and Archiving

Who owns our digital downloads?

We all have downloaded digital media whether in the form of music, books, movies, or magazines; sometimes its free and sometimes we have to pay for it. Yet regardless of the channel or the price, you technically do not own it. You are instead acquiring a license that lets you use it.  

Earlier last month there was news that Bruce Willis was going to sue Apple for the right to hand down his downloaded music to his daughters (He didn’t end up suing). Here is one tech journalist's take on the situation.

In this digital age, do you think people should own their downloads? Should they be allowed to use them as they see best, resell them (think Itunes at a garage sale!), or bequeath them? What do you think?

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Post 8: Global Digital Divide

The global digital divide affects all countries around the world. Choose a foreign country you are interested in and report the percentage of Internet users and how this percentage has evolved in the past five years. Are there any clear gender, age or other demographic gaps among the users?

Next, please describe a recent policy that has been adopted in order to bridge the digital divide in the country. Is it funded by the local government, a private company or an NGO? Do you think it is likely to reduce the technology gap?

Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Post 7: Online Publishing

Do you primarily read digitally (online or digital device) or in print? Please discuss your preferred method and the reasons why you choose one over the other. What would you describe as the main advantages and disadvantages of reading digitally versus in print?

Monday, September 24, 2012

Post 6: Technological Determinism vs. Cultural Materialism

When it comes to the roots of technology diffusion, there are two competing theoretical perspectives: social shaping of technology and technological determinism. Which of these two perspectives makes more sense to you and why? Can you provide an example with a specific communication technology to support your argument?

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Post 5: Technology & Interpersonal Relationships

New communication technologies have redefined interpersonal relationships. What is the impact of such technologies (e.g., cell phones, Facebook, Skype, twitter,, etc.) on your social ties? For this posting, please describe some of the effects, either positive or negative, that you or someone you know have experienced.

If you don’t have any direct observations, please comments on the video The Social Web of Things (  

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Post 4: Technology at Home

In this posting, list all the communication technologies you own. Then discuss (1) the purpose of each technology—i.e., what you use it for; (2) how much time you spend using each technology; (3) what are some of the intended and unintended consequences for you and your lifestyle. 

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Post 3: Create Your Adopter Categories

For this posting, come up with your own adopter categories. Name each one of them and describe the characteristics of each group. How are they similar or different than the adopter categories proposed by Rogers in our main text? 

Monday, August 27, 2012

Post 2: Innovation Attributes

Please choose an innovation that you are familiar with and rate it according to each of the five innovation attributes discussed by Rogers. How do these attributes affect the adoption rate in this particular case? Are there any other attributes that one may need to consider?

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Post 1: Self Introduction

Welcome to our class blog! In your first posting, please introduce yourself and tell us where you are from and what brought you to Iowa State University. What program are you in and what is your ultimate career goal?

We will use the Blogger system throughout the semester. Feel free to add a photo or other details to your profile. Please be aware though that the information you provide is public. Use appropriate language and professionalism in your exchanges with other students.

To respond to this post, please use the comments link below. Be sure to come back and read the posts of your classmates. You are expected to comment at least once on someone else’s blog post each week. Look forward to rich and thoughtful online discussions!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Post 7: Global Digital Divide

The global digital divide affects all countries around the world. Choose a foreign country you are interested in and report the percentage of Internet users and how this percentage has evolved in the past five years. Are there any gender, age or other demographic gaps among the users? Next, please describe a recent policy that has been adopted in order to bridge the digital divide in the country. Is that policy similar to the One Laptop Per Child initiative? Is it funded by the local government, a private company or an NGO? Do you think it is likely to reduce the technology gap?

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Post 6: What Determines Social Change: Society or Technology?

When it comes to the roots of technology diffusion, there are two competing theoretical perspectives: social shaping of technology and technological determinism. Which of these two perspectives makes more sense to you and why? Can you provide an example with a specific communication technology to support your argument?

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Post 5: Technology & Interpersonal Relationships

New communication technologies have redefined interpersonal relationships. What is the impact of such technologies (e.g., cell phones, Facebook, Skype, twitter,, etc.) on your social ties? For this posting, please describe some of the effects, either positive or negative, that you or someone you know have experienced.

If you don’t have any direct observations, please comments on the video The Social Web of Things ( that was part of the last Prezi lecture.